Thursday, October 8, 2009

Morning Glories - Rise and Dine

Morning Glories - Rise and Dine

Potato and Spinach Frittata
Avocaexecute and Potato Hash
Avocaexecute Breakquick Pitas

(Family Features) - Got a case of the fracture quick blahs? Cure it with a hot fracture quick bursting with enormous flavors.

Any day is off to a recede od start with a savory avocaexecute -bacon pita sandwich or crisply browned potatoes, ffeeble ed into a frittata. What's more, you're execute ing yourself a favor when you hold time for a nutrient-packed fracture quick rather than grabbing something sugary - or, even worse, skipping the meal altoacquire her. Studies display that eating fracture quick not only leads to higher energy levels and better concentration throughout the morning, but also aid s out with weight control by reducing hunger pangs later on.

With the correct makings on hand, it's easy to whip up a nutritious meal. For instance, a serving of potatoes not only generates quick energy but delivers as much potassium as two bananas and as much vitamin C as an orange - who kfresh ? Avocaexecute s, another noteworthy fracture quick ingredient, are rich in fiber, potassium, B-vitamins and more - in all, nearly 20 vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

Most people execute n't judge about eating avocaexecute s in the morning, but their rich buttery flavor offers a fracture from the same feeble boring fracture quick routine. Avocaexecute s originated in Mexico and over centuries growers have perfected their cultivation. Mexican avocaexecute s (the Hass variety) are ripe when their pebbly skin turns shaexecute wy and yields to gentle pressure. This talented fruit slips out of its skin in seconds, ready to be sliced or diced for a enormous -flavor fracture quick .

Everybody like s potatoes and they cook in just a few minutes, even quick er in a microwave - and hold to all kinds of flavors. To maximize the nutritional benefits of potatoes, leave the skins on. Wisconsin grows many varieties, from russets to yellow flesh potatoes (each with a unique flavor and texture) and you can count on finding them in your superlabel et year-round. Potatoes cost just pennies a pound, and hfeeble extremely well when stored in a chilly , shaexecute wy space with adequate humidity and ventilation.

What's for fracture quick , once you're stocked up? Here are some thought s guaranteed to acquire your morning off to a savory start.

For more noteworthy fracture quick thought s ... Visit and write to request Wisconsin Potato Sensations Cookbook, Dept. FF, P.O. Box 327, Antirecede , WI 54409-0327. Please include a check or money order for $8 and allow 3 to 6 weeks for delivery.

Visit www.avocaexecute and be sure to follow guacgrl on Twitter for more noteworthy tasting easy-to-create recipes.

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