Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mix It Up With Jenny - Soup's On!

Mix It Up With Jenny - Soup's On!

Pumpkin Curry Soup
"Vegged Out" Pumpkin & Black Bean Soup

(Family Features) - Fall is here in all its chilly weather glory. I like the changing colors and the nip in the air - and warming up on chilly days with a bowl of comforting soup.

Pumpkin Curry Soup is one of the Test Kitchen's most well recipes. This creamy combination of pumpkin and curry is simple and satisfying - perfect for casual entertaining or as portion of a sit-execute wn dinner portion y.

"Vegged Out" Pumpkin and Black Bean Soup is perfect for the veacquire arian in your family, but it's hearty enough to satisfy anyone. The pumpkin blfinish s pretty ly with the veacquire ables, black beans and broth, adding extra nutrition and savory flavor. This soup is low stout and an excellent source of fiber and vitamins A and C, too.

Get out your favorite stock pots and start making batches of chilly weather recede odness - drop is here and it's time to notify , "Soup's on!"

For more recipes, visit VeryBestBaking.com.

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